✅ Minecraft versions: 1.19.2 - 1.19, 1.18.2 - 1.18, 1.17.1 - 1.17 | 1.16.5 - 1.12.X ✅ Author: ochotonida & florensie 📦 Download Artifacts Mod
A Terraria-inspired mod called the Artifacts Mod for Minecraft 1.19.2 includes a number of powerful tools and useful items. If you’ve ever played Terraria, you’ll undoubtedly like the sense of nostalgia this mod will bring. Terraria is a solid game, without a doubt. The stuff you cherished from that game has now been incorporated into the even better game, which is none other than Minecraft!
These items are available by mining, crafting, and rare mob drops. In this mod, several items are also dropped by mimics. Mimics are fake chests that must be attacked and destroyed in order to be looted of their contents. Mimics may also appear in place of these loot-filled chests, which will cause them to drop less valuable items.
Useful items and equipment
The Artifacts mod contains some interesting artifacts that are likely to delight players. There is a jump-heightening item called the bright red balloon. This is especially helpful when making escapes from strong mobs, or even if you just want to go much faster by covering a lot more ground per jump. The lucky horseshoe is without a doubt one of this mod’s most useful things. It eliminates fall damage, which happens frequently, especially anytime you are constructing a tall structure.

The umbrella can be used both as a glider and a shield to block incoming attacks
When damaged by fire, the obsidian skull offers fire resistance. When engaging in battle with creatures that employ fire attacks, it is quite helpful. Feral claws, useful things that speed up attack, are one of the best attack-boosting items. More harm over time results from faster damage, so make sure you get one in your hands as early as possible.
Perfect for boss fights and PVP
There are many more incredibly interesting artifacts in the Artifacts mod. A mechanical glove increases your attack speed and damage and is created by combining feral claws and a power glove. A magma stone sets targets on fire with melee assaults. Download and install the Artifacts mod if you want a mod that will make boss battles and raids more enjoyable. You will be able to get all the tools you require with this mod, giving you a wide range of possibilities even in PVP. What are you waiting for? Collect all Artifacts right away by downloading the Artifacts mod here today!
Video Review
Download Artifacts Mod for Minecraft 1.19.2
Download Links
Download Latest (Forge) Download Latest (Fabric) Download 1.19.2 (Fabric) Download 1.18.2 (Forge) Download 1.18.2 (Fabric) Download 1.17.1 (Forge) Download 1.17.1 (Fabric) Download 1.16.5 (Forge) Download 1.16.5 (Fabric) Download 1.12.2 (Forge)
Official mod website:
Official Mod website
- First, you need to download Forge Modloader.
- Once it has finished downloading, you open the file and install Forge.
- Now select the Forge mod loader profile in the Minecraft Launcher and click play.
- If you want to add mods, click “Mods” in the main menu, and click Open Mods folder. Drag in your Forge mods, they will be loaded the next time you launch Minecraft.
If you need more help to install mods, use these tutorials.
⚙ How To Install Forge 1.19.4
⚙ How To Install Fabric 1.19.4
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